The Perfect Baby Shower Gift: Baby Shower Boobie Basket

Links and details on how to put together the perfect baby shower gift for the nursing mama–the Baby Shower Boobie Basket.

Baby Shower Boobie Basket Image

I love a good shower . . . bridal, baby . . . one I get to take all alone without children . . . And while the latter may be my ultimate shower preference, I do enjoy a good shower to celebrate and toast to a new bride or baby.

I was recently invited to a baby shower, however, true to my last-minute (and post-vacation) fashion, I was scrambling to get a gift together. Luckily, the mama-to-be had registered on Amazon (hello and thank you baby Jesus for Prime) and I was able to pick up a few other items at our local Walmart to put together a “Baby Shower Boobie Basket”.

Let’s Talk Titties

When it comes to baby paraphernalia, I typically like to treat the mama–or at least give her things to make her life easier (vs. cute outfits that the baby will inevitably just have a blow-out diaper in . . . in the middle of the grocery store . . . when you have a full cart of groceries . . . and forgot the diaper bag . . . not that I’d know . . . or anything . . .)

If the mom-to-be is planning on nursing, I also like to take care of the “girls” . . . not twin babies . . . twin boobies. You know the body parts charged with the overwhelming job of keeping your baby . . . well . . . alive. I should probably do a blog post on what a mind- f*ck breastfeeding is, but that’s a convo for a different day.

Here’s what I bought for the Baby Shower Boobie Basket and some details as to why.

I have provided affiliate links to items in this post and may earn a small commission if you follow the links I provide, at no additional cost to you. Just a way for me to make a few extra bucks to maintain my wine-drinking habit (oh, and this blog). Thank you in advance for your support. My name is Danielle and I like wine.

Oh, and remember–if you click one of my affiliate links and want to make sure I get credit, check out from that link. If you leave the item in your cart and come back later, you’ll still get the awesome item but I won’t get any commission. On the flip side, if you add other items to your cart after clicking my link, I might get credit for those too–so thank you!

Rack Robe

Before I actually had my firstborn, I thought I was totally prepared . . . until she arrived 4 weeks early. While everything with her was fine . . . I was not, for many reasons (lookey there, another blog post topic). One thing I was not prepared for was the fact that my boobs would be out . . . all. the. time. And that I would need clothing that made getting to the nipples, simple.

In the early days, I learned to appreciate a good robe and this is one I WISH I would have had. I recently bought this and not only would it be great for a nursing mom, but I use it as an everyday robe and it doubles as a swim cover-up! I have washed mine several times and it looks good as new, packs well (perfect for the hospital bag) and you can’t go wrong with black (but it also comes in a fun animal print too!)

A Bra with Benefits

Another item I did not have and wish I did–a nursing bra that doubles as a hands-free bra for pumping. It’s comfortable, convenient, and practical. And if you ever met a mother who couldn’t use a free hand (or 7) then you are clearly living in Utopia (and please tell me how to get there . . .)

Basically, a no-brainer requiring no further explanation–other than to question why I never bought one.

Tata Therapy

Things they don’t tell you . . . blog post idea #3. Or maybe things they tell you but you don’t believe.

Breastfeeding; for anyone reading this not familiar with the pins-and-needles-toe-curling-engorged-skin-stretching-hard-as-a-rock- leaky-and-wet-raw-nipple-thing, is painful. It gets better once those pretty and once perky little nips get tough, but any bit of relief is welcomed during those first few tender (and I don’t mean sweet) weeks.

I digress (as per usual). Anyway, all I know is that these little therapy packs did mama and her tatas good. You can heat them up or put them in the freezer for relief. That sort of “ahhhhhhh” sensation they talk about on Nyquil commercials . . . without the medicinal after taste.

Hooter Haakaa

This handy little ditty was introduced to me by a friend after we’d both had our second babies. She was a milk-cow . . . me . . . I was a milk-mite. I barely produced enough to get through feedings for the day, let alone extra pumping sessions . . . but the Haakaa helped to collect whatever minuscule drippings might leak out of the boob my boy was not savagely feasting on.

Yes, savagely. See the previous section re: the joys of breastfeeding.

My milk-cow-bestie would catch around an ounce of milk in her haakaa every time she nursed–all of which helped to add to her deep freeze full of the golden baby nectar. Imagine that being absorbed by a nursing pad and just thrown away . . . the HORROR.

Don’t let your (or your friend’s) milk go to waste. Get a haakaa today.

Cover the Chi-Chis

While I had no problem whipping my itty-bitty-titties out for the world to see, for some reason it made others uncomfortable. So, in addition to serving as a nice swaddle for the baby, these blankets provide the perfect amount of protection from prying (or uneasy) eyes. They are lightweight, breathable, easy to throw in a purse and also work great as a scarf–if you need to hide a spit-up stain down the front of your shirt . . . again, not that I would know.

Angel Dear Swaddle Blanket

Cruz received an Angel Dear blanket as a gift and it has become THE blanket–we never leave home without it (we actually have two, just in case). They are so soft and come in such cute prints.

I wanted to give this set (it comes with a matching bib) in the basket, but it was an after-thought and wouldn’t have been here in time. Dang it. But, if you have the wherewithal to purchase gifts for baby showers earlier than 3 days prior to giving said gift, this one is a MUST.

Adorable Alternative

The sweet mama had registered for these, and the shipping was faster–so it was an easy alternative choice. Also, the reviews and packaging are great. Win. Win.

Boobie Basket

You can’t really make a Baby Shower Boobie Basket, without a basket. I choose to give these items in a basket vs. a gift bag or wrapped gift because the basket itself may prove useful to mama. I was forever needing somewhere to put burp cloths, store creams and lotions or stash snacks by my nursing chair. Baskets were a great way for me to store these items either in the living room or the nursery–that was not only practical but also pretty.

This was the one I picked up in the store, but keep scrolling the set I wish I would have spotted–too freaking cute. So many practical options for mom (um, toy storage for days!) that I think I might be buying a set for myself!

Well, there you have it, folks. Hope you enjoyed all the jug jabber. And while I threw the practice of breastfeeding under the bus a bit (okay, maybe a lot) I was happy to have experienced it myself (even though it was not easy). However, I firmly believe that fed is best. I support any method of keeping your baby happy–boob, bottle, or otherwise. I suppose that’s also a post for another day. Until then . . .


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