The Black Blazer Challenge

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It may sound silly, but when people ask me what I miss the most about my “career-girl” life, my first response is “my clothes”. Sounds superficial, I know.

But, what they don’t know is what I really mean is, I miss everything that went along with dressing for work. Waking up early, doing full hair and makeup, pulling a great outfit from a closet of seriously cool workwear I had curated over the last 10 years and going to work to show it off.

Deciding what to wear to work was a “thing” for me, but not just me, for most of the ladies I worked with. Anytime one of us bought something new, the best part was getting to work and having the girls gush over how great it was.

It was also nice to have a fashion sounding board. I trusted these gals to commiserate with me over how certain looks we loved just didn’t fit our body type or when we were having a bad hair day or when our Spanx were too tight.

We worked hard, we lifted each other up and we loved like family. We celebrated successes; we drank, laughed and cried through the stress (possibly a few times in excess); and we were there for each other when the chips were down.

And most of our friendships started because someone said–“great pants.”

To those girls (you know who you are) this one is for you.

My New Gig

When I made the decision to leave my work-girls for a better gig–my kiddos–I knew my daily dressing routine would, unfortunately, have to change.

I mean, I love a black shift dress as much as the next gal, but it just doesn’t translate well into my new “office” where on any given day someone may defecate on me.

So, a year later, here I am typing this in yoga pants and a sweatshirt (thinking about having some wine) and writing about my recent Black Blazer Challenge: 5 days, 5 looks, 1 jacket.

The Challenge

I decided to do this challenge because I wanted to try to incorporate some of my favorite work-wear pieces into my new mom-wardrobe. But also, to force myself to get into some of my actual clothes and out of my sweats.

So, my “rules” were as follows:

  1. Pull looks I would/could wear in my everyday life, not just those that would look cute in a picture.
  2. BUT, also show looks for different scenarios (lunch with the girls, date night, Walmart day, etc.)
  3. The looks had to be accessible. Things other people would already have in their closet or could easily purchase–however, I was not allowed to buy anything new. Bummer.
  4. The looks had to be affordable. If ya’ll read About me, you know I have that $20 problem thing . . . I knew I couldn’t do everything under $20, but what I would show would be reasonable.
  5. Have fun and not beat myself up over the picture-taking business. I am not of the selfie generation . . .

THE Blazer

When I was working, I was constantly on the lookout for classic workwear that would stand the test of time. When I came across THE Blazer at Express, I had to have it.

Problem was, it was WAY over my $20 limit thing . . . like by 6. I browsed the store for about 30 minutes debating whether or not I actually NEEDED this jacket.

This was like 7 years ago, so I don’t remember all the details but I am pretty sure they were having a sale, and the tailoring on this jacket is just too good, AND I had a feeling I would wear it for a very long time.

Thank God I am psychic. I spent the $100+ and never regretted it. I wore this jacket on average once a week when I was working–for 7 YEARS. That’s some ROI for ya.

Things to look for in a good black blazer

  1. Fit. Like, DUH. But seriously. You gotta try that baby on. It should make you look slimmer, leaner and you should feel, well, powerful. Usually, you want to avoid boxy cuts. Look at the seaming up and down the waist–is it straight or slightly curved? The curved seaming gives a more tailored-look and should help define your waistline.
  2. Interesting details. Does it have cool lining so when you roll up the sleeves? Does it have fun buttons on the front or a tuxedo-style collar? While it may sound totally Golden Girls, the right amount of shoulder pad should not be taken lightly. A shoulder pad can change your life. And hell, don’t forget about pockets!
  3. Length. This one is hard because the appropriate length is different for every body-type. But, you probably want one that hits just below your hip bone. Anything higher will cut you off in the middle and create the boxy effect mentioned above. When in doubt, ask a friend.
  4. Price. Here is the kicker. I had to break my $20 rule for this once-in-a-lifetime jacket. But, I didn’t go overboard. Don’t shop for things you can’t afford, it will only make you sad. However, do think of this as an investment in your wardrobe. Hell, a great jacket could help you ace that interview, get a promotion or just get you a really nice compliment from the cute guy at the coffee shop. So, spend wisely darlings and remember, good things come to those who shop!

DISCLAIMER: This is purely my opinion based on many years of experience trying on clothes in mall dressing rooms. Please do not try to take me to some fashion court they hold in the tents at Bryant Park during fashion week where Anna Wintour is the judge and Tim Gunn is the prosecuting attorney because these tips didn’t work for you.

Wow, THAT was a tangent or maybe a dream.

Unfortunately, Express no longer sells THE Blazer–at least I couldn’t find it online. I know, you are crying a river of tears and so am I. What the hell am I going to do when this one wears out?!?!? The struggle is REAL.

Anyway, I did a little shopping and I have provided some alternatives below. Many are currently on sale and all under $75. Click the caption on each photo–it should link you to the page where you can buy.

The Result

After 5 days of incorporating my black blazer into my mom-style, I can honestly say I am fashionably reinvigorated.

I have struggled in the last year to find myself in this new life as a stay-at-home-mom. I started working when I was 15 and for the last 20 years, my job and what I wore to work, defined who I was.

But, this has given me hope that my inner fashion girl is still there and can still pull off a great look. It’s just a different look, in a different office. And while I don’t get the satisfaction of showing off my latest consignment-store-find to my work girls in person, I can now share it with all of you thanks to this lovely (and challenging) new side gig I call the Highway 20 Collective.

Five Days, Five Looks, One Blazer

Find out details about each day of the challenge and shop each look by clicking on the links below:

Day One | Read More

Day Two | Read More

Day Three: Read More

Day Four:
Read More

Day Five: Read More

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