Celebrating One Year of the Highway 20 Collective

Well said!

Last September I decided to do something.

Something I had little-to-no experience with. Something that would require me to put myself out there in ways I didn’t anticipate. Something that would be way more work than I’d planned but way more rewarding than I could have ever imagined.

Something no one in my little town had really ever done before.

Something for me.

Something that honestly, scared the living shit out of me.

Something called a blog.

I built a website, worked on some content, took a few photos and went “live” with the Highway 20 Collective in mid-October of 2019.

As I’ve said many times before, despite my prior research, I legit thought I could just start a website, write blog posts, share them on Facebook and that would be the summation of my blogger lifestyle.

Boy, was I wrong.

I quickly realized that if I really wanted this to be a going concern . . . to be a real “influencer”. . . an actual “blogger” . . . who makes money, I needed to put my face on Instagram (and Facebook).

And I needed to do it ALL THE TIME to stay relevant.

It was shocking, confusing and annoying to some (and me!)–particularly those who didn’t “get” what I was trying to do.

Lol captions gallery (09:14:53 AM, Thursday 03, November 2016 PDT) – 36 pics

I’ve had truly well-meaning friends (and probably several “frenemies”) question my sanity, my drinking habits, my child-rearing and my outfit choices.

Especially that time I decided to wear panties on my face.

But I have also connected with and continue to connect with some truly wonderful, like-minded people from my area and across the US who share the same interests and love of a great glass of wine and sale rack as I do.

In addition, getting to engage and interact with people from my former career-girl life and my friends on a more regular basis. Something I was deeply missing after leaving my job to stay home full-time.

And, despite the fact that I have truly tried to live most of my life not really giving a flying f*ck what anyone thought, that mantra has certainly been put to the test.

But, what would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Sheryl Sandberg

After a year of this gig, here is my answer:

Keep writing. Keep promoting and sharing things that I love–one being this sweet little place that I call my hometown. Keep being weird and awkward and sometimes hilarious on Instagram & Facebook.


And keep building a brand that is truly, me.

So, cheers to one year my friends.

In celebration of this milestone, I am sharing my favorite blog posts from the last year–in absolutely no particular order.

Some will make you cry, most will make you laugh and you might learn a thing or two along the way about me and maybe, about yourself.

Happy Reading.

About Me

Love Story in a Box

Just a little love story that starts with a box. Get a bottle of wine (you’ll need the whole bottle) and enjoy the read.

Amazing Chocolate Chip Cookies

Choc Chip Cookies on a plate
A seriously good recipe for amazing chocolate chip cookies. It’s easy to follow and peppered with some inappropriate food humor and a delicious climax.

Black Blazer Challenge

The Black Blazer Challenge. 5 days, 5 looks, one blazer. How I incorporated my favorite black blazer into my mom style.

Life Lessons & Painting with Liv

What I learned from painting with my 3-year old. Mix it Up, Control the Colors and more.

Easy Sunday Chicken & Rice

Easy one-pan chicken and rice meal for a chilly day, with plenty of unnecessary inappropriate commentary.

What I “Do” to Stay Thin

A long answer to a short question about what I do to stay thin. Read about how simple changes lead to a lifestyle of eating and drinking to health.

Give Thanks for Thanksgiving

Read about my appreciation for Thanksgiving, waiting to decorate for Christmas and a funny story about how I broke my foot.

I was going to wait to share that last one–“Give Thanks” until next month (the anniversary of the event which prompted the post) but I decided now was as good a time as any.

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