Fresh Spring Decor Inspiration

Spring is a time of new beginnings. So, it’s the perfect occasion to freshen up your home accents with florals, pastel colors and of course, a few Easter eggs. Therefore, I wanted to share some fresh spring decor inspiration with you. Also, as a bonus for my subscribers, I am including a FREE Spring Printable–details at the end of this post.

Spring Florals

As you know from my post on updating your decor for spring, I use florals to bring life into my home and to transition from winter to spring. As we approach April, I update my primarily white floral palette with pops of pastel posies.

No need to re-arrange, just simply tuck in a few more stems to add sweet notes of color.

Spring Floral arrangement on mantel
Spring Floral Arrangement

April Showers

Umbrellas are not only practical accessories during this time of year, but they also make for unexpected or interesting displays. Fill an umbrella with silk florals as an alternative to a wreath or prop up a paper parasol to add height to a centerpiece.

Umbrella floral arrangement door accent
Paper parasol centerpiece

Easter Eggs

Plastic, ceramic, wood–you name it. Easter eggs are a sweet nod to the spring season, can be very inexpensive and are easy to display. Place them in a pretty bowl with some moss, stack them in a clear vase or simply set them atop your mantel.

Easter eggs in milk glass bowl
Wooden Easter Eggs on mantel

Spring Scarf Pillows

I wrote about using scarves to update your pillows for the holiday season, and suggest you apply the same concept for spring–and really anytime you want an inexpensive update to your throw pillows.

Spring pillow with scarf cover

If you have a pretty floral or pastel printed scarf you don’t wear anymore or were gifted that isn’t your style, this is a great way to re-purpose. Simply tie the scarf around a pillow form and ta-da–instant fresh spring facelift!

Spring pillow with yellow scarf cover

Easter Tablescape

While your Easter gathering may be small this year, that is no reason to scale back on the occasion. Heck, you might even take it up a notch to simply celebrate the fact that you are safe, at home and with the people you love.

By the way . . . I originally typed “hell” in the previous sentence but thought I better keep it clean considering the topic at hand. However, I didn’t want you to think I had gone completely square–which is why I am typing this side note in italics. Also, pretend like I jabbed you in the ribs with my elbow and whispered this out of the side of my mouth. Ya know, so Jesus can’t hear.

In keeping with the “use what you have” mantra of mine, I created this tablescape with remnant fabric, a repurposed crib skirt, paper napkins, and everyday dinner plates, flatware and glasses.

Obviously, not everyone has an arsenal of this stuff just hanging out in their storage room like me, but I challenge you to think outside the box a little.

Perhaps you could use a floral, flat-bedsheet for a table linen. Or, keep it simple and use a scarf, wrapping paper with a pretty pastel print or extra fabric as a table runner.

Bust out that old china from your grandmother you never use, put out some mismatched vases with a single floral stem in each and throw some plastic eggs in a basket or pretty bowl.

Oh, and for the love of God (this is sort of a big day for that guy), make sure you have celebratory mimosas. Raise that glass because He has risen!

No champagne flutes? No problem! Wine glasses work just as good, if not better. Are you seriously asking why? Um . . . they hold more . . . orange juice . . . of course . . .

I love Jesus . . . but I drink a little . . .

Okay, a lot.

Pretty Printables

If you have been following me for a while, you know I love a good printable. It is a simple way to update your spring decor–all you need is a printer, scissors, and a frame. You can find printables all over Pinterest, create your own OR better yet, get one from me for FREE.

All of my subscribers will be receiving this printable via email. You will be able to download the PDF which includes a 5×7 and 4×6 version.

Spring Printable in frame

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This blog has seriously been a lifesaver for a super social girl at home with two kids under four. Let’s just say my daily conversations are certainly interesting, but my daughter yells at me when I say “damn”–so, thanks for putting up with my potty mouth and wild Instagram/Facebook antics.

Mostly, I appreciate my sweet followers. Anytime I feel like all of this is for not, someone tells me otherwise and I get the nerve up for a new post. So, let’s continue to share the Highway 20 Collective love, shall we?

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I mean, who doesn’t love that shit?


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