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I am OBSESSED with dressing up for Halloween. Okay, maybe not just for Halloween . . . I mean, let’s be honest, anytime there is an opportunity for a costume–I won’t miss it. I have been this way my entire life. I would start thinking of costume ideas months in advance and then my mother would painstakingly work with this perfectionist little heathen of a daughter to try to create my “vision”.

She deserves a medal.

No. 537 of “the things I learned from my mom” is that you never just buy a costume. Now, I am not judging anyone who has no problem walking into a store or shopping online to buy the costume they want/need. I am actually painfully envious of you, because I PHYSICALLY CANNOT DO IT.

I have thought about it, looked, shopped for and even tried on store-bought costumes. But, it goes against every fiber of my cheap, crafty, must-be-bespoke and original, little being.

I blame my mother.

And I quote “we never had store bought costumes as kids, therefore, you will not either.” They also had to walk uphill both ways, with no shoes, through the snow . . . it was the 60’s in Western Nebraska, man . . . life was ROUGH.

However, as I have grown older, I have learned to greatly appreciate this gift of creative thinking she has given me in relation to costuming. Every musical production, costume party or event requiring anything than your average, every day wear became an opportunity to express my inner fashion designer. I learned to work with things I already had or find/make what I needed to create the perfect look.

Now that I have children, they will also get to experience the wonder and joy that comes from creating their own costume from things we can find at home and in the Walmart craft department. However, as they are only three and one currently, it’s up to me and me alone to come up with these Halloween masterpieces.

In the last three years, Liv has been a Fish, a Ring Master and last year she and Cruz went as the Princess and the Pea (he was only 3 weeks old–quite pea-like). You can see how absolutely THRILLED she is to be in costume. Chip off the ole block . . .

As with most of my projects, I start by looking for ideas on Pinterest and create boards of the things I like. Then, I start to think about what we already might have, that would work into the ideas. One day as I was scrolling through my Pinterest feed, this picture came up and I DIED!

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🍦🍦🍦 Happy Halloween!

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Why, did you DIE, you ask?? Well, first, Liv LOVES ice cream. I can get her to do just about anything (except listen, brush her teeth, keep her hands to herself, sleep through the night, stop acting like a dog) for ice cream. And, Cruz is one and the second-kid, so naturally, he has no choice. Also, I am a sucker for a bow tie. See Mr. ONE-derful Bow Tie Brunch here.

Now, we are about two weeks out from Halloween 2019, so I have started to gather my materials. Check back for updates on how this project progresses! Get excited, I think it’s gonna be good.

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