How To Make Black Cat Ears

Most of my other posts include witty banter. Not this one. We got ears to make. And these cost me less than $3 (and took about 10 minutes).

Let’s do it.

What you need:

  • Two pieces of felt–black and either a pink or light beige (for the inside of the ears.
  • Inexpensive headband
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Pipe cleaners (optional)

Cut out two triangles from the BLACK felt. You are going to have to eyeball this based on the size of your (or your kid’s) head. I have a small head, but the base of my triangle was about 6 inches.

Cut two triangles from the lighter-colored felt–slightly smaller than the black triangles.

Glue the lighter-colored felt to the black felt like so.

Position the felt on the headband.

Wrap one bottom corner of the “ear” around the front of the headband and secure in the back with glue.

Repeat on the other corner of the ear.

Repeat on the other side.

Voila. Or should I say. MEEEEOOOOWWW.

There. There was your witty banter.

If you want to add just a bit more, you can glue the pipe cleaners to the edge of the ears to give a “furrier” effect. That was my plan but after I got them finished I decided mine didn’t need anything else.


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