Mermaid Birthday Party

Flip Your Fins, Liv is 5!

We recently celebrated my oldest turning 5–a big milestone (in my opinion), and one that deserved a party to match its significance. After much deliberation, we settled on a mermaid-under-the-sea party which would start at our local pool and end at our home. Here is a recap of Liv’s “Flip Your Fins” Mermaid Party, along with some brief tutorials for how to recreate some of the key elements and parts to this colorful event.

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Invites set the tone for any party. I custom-designed these using Canva. If you are looking for something similar, please contact me and we can work together to create something perfect for your next event.


Great party decor doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult to make–as demonstrated in the sweet “seaweed” table skirt and lantern jellyfish I created for this party.

Seaweed Table Skirt

This project cost me about $7 and an hour of my time. Using three $1 plastic tablecloths in various colors, I unfolded them once out of the package and then cut on the fold into 2-3 inch strips. I used two strips to tie around the table to start, but I suggest using string (as the plastic stretches). Tie the strips around the string, cutting to length and alternating colors. For extra pizazz, I cut and added 2-inch sections of an iridescent backdrop.

I did purchase the sequined table cloth . . . because . . . well . . . no party is complete without sequins. At least not when you are five, fabulous and ready to flip your fins.

Here is a video tutorial for creating the table skirt–for those who need a step-by-step breakdown.

Lantern Jellyfish

My goal for most parties is to try to re-use items I already have in my “stash”. We celebrated Liv’s 3rd birthday on Cinco de Mayo with an “Adios Dos” party which left me with several rolls of crepe paper of all colors and tissue paper flowers. Lucky for me, I saved it all and was able to re-purpose to create these amazing lantern jellyfish.

I purchased and used several lanterns in this set, but the larger lanterns were leftover from our wedding. You can get similar larger lanterns here.

Start by setting up the lanterns themselves, then insert the paper flowers through the metal stay at the base of the lantern. If you don’t have paper flowers, you can easily use sheets of tissue paper to create the same look. Then, wire streamers of various colors and small sections of the iridescent backdrop and secured to the base.

One element that really gave them a “jellyfish” feel was incorporating the mesh fabric typically used to create wreaths. Cut the mesh in strips to add to the “tentacles” and also around the base of the lantern for the “collar”.


Food makes the party. But it’s even better if you can incorporate the food into the party decor and theme. In addition to cupcakes, I wanted the kids to have some fun food favors in keeping with the underwater feel. You can put these treats in cute plastic sand pails or display in a candy bar.


Using sour streamers, weave them back and forth onto kabob skewers. I used three streamers per skewer, which left room for the kids to hold the seaweed at the base of the skewer.

Crabs & Clams

For the crabs, start with gummy orange slices and peach rings. Cut the peach rings into fourths, then take two of the fourths and cut them in half. The two fourths will be the claws, the eighths will be the eyes. Break toothpicks in half and pierce the claws, then insert into the body (the orange slice). Do the same with the smaller pieces for the eyes and stick on candy eyes to the sticky side of the pieces.

To display, use graham cracker crumbs as “sand”.

To create the clams, take two vanilla wafers and pipe in or spread frosting in-between. Then place a candy pearl in the center and viola!

Salty Sea Mix

We are still eating this mix and my kids love it–it may have become a household stand it’s so simple. You can always put your own spin on it, but I used veggie straws (seaweed), stick and Dot’s pretzels (driftwood) and colored Goldfish crackers.


This was the easiest food favor because all it required was opening the container–rock candy coral! You can purchase it in bulk here.

It really was a great party and the best part are the memories to last a lifetime. Thanks for swimming along with me on this underwater adventure!

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