Off-the-Shoulder T-Shirt How-To Video

Turn any regular/old t-shirt into a cool, off-the-shoulder graphic top with this quick and easy how-to video. And make sure to take a sexy, slightly awkward photo of it when you are finished. Go Eags!

Off-the-shoulder T-shirt
Love my shorts? Check them out here!

Here’s what you need:

  • T-shirt–it is better if the tee is not fitted, rather a little oversized for that slouchy look.
  • Pair of nice sewing shears or sharp scissors.
  • Wine (that one is optional, but Lord knows I don’t do anything without it . . . except drive . . . I mean, for safety’s sake).

Now all you have to do is watch this video and follow along. The video is a little “ranchy”, kinda like my back yard right now (as you will see from the video). But ya know, gotta keep it real here at the Highway 20 Collective.

And, I don’t want you to think I am getting classy over here by accident. I shot the video outside because it’s been a long winter and I’ll be damned if I will spend another minute inside that I don’t have to.

Other than to type this . . . and upload the video . . . shit, I got off track.

Here’s the video:

As always, thanks for playing along with my random commentary and for visiting Make sure to check out my other antics on the rest of my blog.

Can’t wait to see your cool t-shirts! Cheers,

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