Updated: Quick & Easy Everyday Makeup Tutorial

I have spent many hours, days, weeks and years in front of a mirror (no, seriously — ask my mom) perfecting my makeup techniques. And after all the trial and error I have come up with a quick & easy, everyday makeup routine that I have decided to share with you via video tutorial.

Makeup is one of my major saving graces, second-only to wine. I have blotchy, acne-prone skin; short, light eyelashes; and dark circles. Let’s cut to the chase–makeup makes me pretty and wine makes me funny.

So, thanks to some foundation, bronzer, and mascara, I am made human-looking each and every morning so that those around me can stop cowering in corners and may resume normal conversation without diverting their eyes.


Since filming the previous video (scroll down to watch) and writing the eariler post, I got to thinking a bit more about what my makeup routine really means.

I used to be a “working-girl” (and no, not THAT kind of working girl . . .) but I prided myself on getting up, putting on my face, doing my hair and rocking a great outfit.

When I decided to stay home with my kiddos full-time–that fabulous girl left the building. And after about a year of spending most of my days in sweats, smelling of stale breast milk, and walking around like a sleep-deprived zombie (because I was one), I needed to get my routine back–specifically my makeup routine.

And since starting this blog last October, I am slowly returning to that fabulous girl. But this time she is a little older, a little wiser and has better eyebrows.

I am forever grateful for this gig. It gave me a reason to put on a little mascara, to put myself together and to get that girl back.

Updated Makeup Tutorial

Shop My Makeup Here

Previous Tutorial (February 2020)

. . . after some wine, I was brave enough to post this tutorial because I hardly let ANYONE see me without makeup. And if you have, I am not sure you are signing up to do it again . . . Nevertheless, my friends, you are going to be some of the lucky few (hundred or so). Consider it my gift to you. Your daily dose of horror from yours truly.

And as a bonus, the tutorial includes some easy contouring tips, along with a quick run-down of how I create my signature winged eyeliner.

Yay, get excited . . . someone should because I am terrified . . . of myself . . . without makeup . . . and without wine . . .

Okay, here goes.

Intro Video

Let’s just start the awkward off right, shall we?

What you need:

This is really more about the process than the products. I buy all my makeup at our local Walmart. However, I have linked the makeup I used, below. And if you scroll all the way down, I’ve included some makeup brush sets for you to check out, too.

I have provided affiliate links to items in this post. I may earn a small commission if you follow the links I provide, at no additional cost to you. Just a way for me to make a few extra bucks to maintain my wine-drinking habit (oh, and this blog). Thank you in advance for your support. My name is Danielle and I like wine.

  • Foundation | For everyday wear, I use a combo of the Candid by Revlon in Chai 260 and R + F Radiant Defense in Shell to achieve the desired tone and coverage. I buy the foundation in a tone based on my summer coloring, whereas the Radiant Defense is even lighter than my winter coloring. This way, I can adjust the shade depending on the season/my tan, without buying multiple shades of foundation.
  • Concealer | Right now, I am using Milani Conceal & Perfect in Light Nude. I switch concealers often, but this one might be a keeper. For heavier coverage or evening, I use the concealer as a mixing shade to my foundation (rather than the Radiant Defense).
  • Bronzer and/or contour palette | I LOVE both the Radiance Brick and the Kate Sculpting Palette from Rimmel–in the video, I think I say Katie Perry, but I am pretty sure “Kate” is actually Kate Moss. So many Kate’s, so little time.
  • Cream/gel eyeliner pot | I have had mine from Maybelline for a LONG time. Love it and obviously lasts forever. Also, it doesn’t budge or smear.
  • Mascara | If you buy anything on this list, it’s my mascara–Lash Paradise from L’Oreal. OBSESSED. Cannot gush enough. Great, long, natural-looking lashes with one coat. Try to buy with the primer to help grow longer and thicker lashes.
  • Kabuki/foundation brush
  • Blush brush
  • Angled brush
  • Lip brush
Quick & Easy Makeup spread

Quick & Easy Makeup Tutorial Video

I don’t think I am sharing anything super revolutionary in the tutorial video. But, this is my attempt to inspire those of you who may not wear makeup all the time or who shy away from it because it takes too long in the morning, to try this quick routine–and how you can use what you may already have to create a fresh, easy face for everyday wear.

The video itself is almost 15 minutes, but I talk a lot (shocking) and I may or may not do a Southern accent.

This routine should take you less than 10 minutes (I can do it in about 5-7).

Fresh and Fast

Here is a snapshot I took after I did my hair. That blow dryer really aids in my ability to appear human. Drowned rat with mascara was really not the look I was going for. Probably could have used some lip gloss but I am sure my toddler was spinning around on my ceiling fan by this point so sacrifices had to be made . . .

Obviously, I put on lip gloss after I took the picture. And on that note, I better go check on that ceiling fan . . . .

Makeup Brush Sets

I wanted to share with you some options for makeup brushes, in case you are looking. These sets have all the brushes similar to those I used in this tutorial (plus several more for you to use or your kids can paint with them–whatev).

ELF cosmetics makeup brush set
elf Cosmetics Set | Target $30
Vacay Mode Brush Set | Morphe $40
Makeup Brush Set from Jessup Beauty
Colorful Make-Up Set | Jessup Beauty $24
Signature Rose Gold Makeup Brush Set
Rose Gold Brush Set | BH Cosmetics $26

Want more? Check out the rest of my blog!

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