How to Make a Tomato Cage Topiary

Who would’ve thunk it! Tomato cages aren’t just for . . . well . . . tomatoes. As soon as you take them out of the ground after the growing season, get ready to re-purpose for the holidays–here is a quick video on how to make a tomato cage topiary!

The topiaries on the left are garland only. The topiary on the right has fresh greenery added.

What you need:

  • A tomato cage (or cages if you want to get real tree crazy)
  • At least three (3) garlands per cage (or more if you want them really fluffy). I used these from Walmart.
  • A sturdy base–anchor to a heavy pot or stake them down. They are cheap and easy but not super sturdy or heavy . . . Sort of like me.
  • Optional–fresh greenery (pine, cedar, spruce) to fill in and create a super-amazing-one-of-a-kind-highway-20-collective-style-look.
  • Not Optional–the ability to do math. The garlands I used are $2.76 each. If you buy three of those it is about $9 per topiary. I say in the video it is $6. Because I am blonde. And can’t do math under pressure . . .

    Sue me . . . I am sure you will win. Clearly I missed basic multiplication in 3rd grade so I would lack the common knowledge to defend myself in a civil suit of the People vs. The Tomato Cage Topiary Trickster.
  • Wine–because it is a requirement of everything we do here at the Highway 20 Collective. Sue me for that too.

    Or don’t . . .

    This post is getting expensive.

    Here’s the damn video. Sorry. Clearly I spend a lot of time with my thoughts . . .

    And empty wine bottles . . . why is the wine always gone . . .

Want more holiday inspo–check out all this fan-freaking-tastic stuff out!

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